Tools for New and Returning Seminarians

Photo by Derek Maul (
This first year of seminary has been a beautiful hot mess. I just returned to campus from a summer with San Francisco Night Ministry, a nighttime streetside ministry offering care and worship opportunities for folks. I learned a lot and grew in ways that I didn’t realize were possible, but more on that in another post. It’s the start of a new year at Columbia Theological Seminary, and one thing that I remember from when I first started out last year is that I could not find a suitable list of computer, web-based, or other resources for the new seminarian.

So, I compiled a list of all the apps and tools I used this past year and offer them here for any new (or returning) seminarian. The list will be updated as time progresses, so be sure to check back from time to time, and if you have any suggestions, please do so in the comments!

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Tools for New and Returning Seminarians Tools for New and Returning Seminarians Reviewed by Christópher Abreu Rosario on 00:22 Rating: 5

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