A year ago today my grandmother, my Mama Ysabel, passed away. It just so happens that in the last few days I have been cleaning out the files of my computer and have come across photos and videos I've taken that I never quite filed away and have completely forgotten about.
In the mess of files I found the last video I ever took of Mama, one where she got up off the couch (she had a lot of trouble walking in her last years) and posed for my camera. She never quite understood the notion of video and would simply pose, as though for a photograph. My mother called out to her to do something and so she yelled out:
Still repeating:
In the mess of files I found the last video I ever took of Mama, one where she got up off the couch (she had a lot of trouble walking in her last years) and posed for my camera. She never quite understood the notion of video and would simply pose, as though for a photograph. My mother called out to her to do something and so she yelled out:
"Yo soy fuerte, yo soy fuerte!"Then she started to walk towards me.
Still repeating:
"I am Strong, I am Strong!"Unfortunately, somehow, the video file got distorted and get's a bit choppy. The audio was completely unusable so I covered it with a music track. At first this upset me, but then again Mama didn't do video, only photographs. In the end that's all we were going to get out of her.
Mama, you are strong.
Mama is Strong
Reviewed by Christópher Abreu Rosario

Beautiful! Always remembering Mama Ysabel... I Love you!