This Is How You Lose Her by Junot Díaz
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Without a doubt The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao was my bible before I found The Bible. It is no surprise then that I immediately fell in love with its author, Junot Díaz, and quickly picked up his other book Drown where we are told the stories of our narrator Yunior’s youth. Having even more love and respect for Mr. Díaz I began to read his other short stories published in The New Yorker and other literary magazines. When a friend pointed out that he would have another book released I quickly pre-ordered the book on Amazon and eagerly counted down the months to its release. I received the book the day it hit the shelves, that was last September (2012).
It could be implied that the length of time it took me to finish the book tells of what l thought of it, but in truth, it does not. When l first opened the book I had a huge sense of familiarity and was very disappointed to discover that I had in fact already read these stories, these stories that had been previously published in said literary magazines from above. So I put the book down and focused my life on other things. Still with the intention of reading it, I kept it on my nightstand to eventually collect dust before being packed into suitcase after suitcase across four residence moves. Just last week I looked at it and thought: now is the time to read this book. I finished it in about three days.
Though Junot's writing can be a bit depressing, it is honest, Dominican, familiar, infuriating, and heart warming all at the same time. In this collection of short stories we follow Yunior at different points in his young and adult life, getting a glimpse into the events that shaped his character and those that tested it. The name of the book already lets you know it's not going to be an easy ride but I appreciate the roller coaster that you're taken on. Seeing, or reading about in this case, a person making mistakes is hard, witnessing their discovery of their own faults is even harder.
There was one story I had not actually read before, Invierno, but the story which I can say makes the whole collection worth the read, and is what I consider one of the greatest short stories I've ever read, is the book's last chapter The Cheaters Guide to Love. Without stating what happens I can say it takes Yunior to a place you wished he had reached earlier, a place you wish people you know would have reached earlier, a place you wish you would have reached earlier.
I don't know if Junot is finished with his stories about Yunior, though a piece of me hopes that he is. Seeing Yunior grow up and experience all that he has, you want to wish him nothing but happiness and the idea of his story continuing to be told can only imply that he won't. I wish him a well deserved rest though don't be surprised if I'm first in line at the bookstore if the name Yunior finds its way on print once again.
Review: This Is How You Lose Her
Reviewed by Christópher Abreu Rosario

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