I don't like the idea of publicising New Year resolutions before the event or shortly thereafter. Most people break their resolutions within the third week of January and I did not want to be that person - especially since I've been that person in the past. I usually make resolutions when I move countries and then find that the obstacles I face in that country take precedence and well again no resolutions followed.
It is now the second week of February and so far so good, I think it's safe to list them:
- Write a Feature Length Script
- I've been working on a project for well over a year now but didn't actually put it into script form until 2012 started. I'm now 3/4 of the way through and anticipate I'll have a good first draft by the end of Feb. Up until this point I had written extensive treatments (about 6 drafts of them) as I didn't want to leap before I was ready. I am a Libra after all - very measured. When the project feels like it's ready to be shared with the world I will give a proper update on it.
- Watch More Movies
- Having a Cineworld Unlimited Pass I can watch as many movies as I want at the cinema. Before the New Year I was averaging about 1.5 films a month and though I was breaking even on my monthly fee I wasn't truly taking advantage of the membership. Considering that movies are what drives my life I figured I needed to change that number. I'm now averaging a film a week (I write 3-4 nights a week so not too much room for watching more movies). Everytime I watch a film I rate it on my imdb.com account (link leads to ratings page) which then gets imported to my icheckmovies.com account. I LOVE icheckmovies - it's a great way of following official lists of must sees and even lets you make your own lists you can share with friends. PLUS you can create really cute widgets like the one on the side of the page ->
- Go to Church
- I have always been a believer but didn't didn't learn to appreciate church until I started going to MCC in St. Louis. As I haven't lived there for over 5 years now I thought it was time to start going to church again. I played around with a few options but none of them called out to me. By complete chance I was visiting a friend on New Years Day (Sunday) who tricked me into going to Hillsong Church with her. I wasn't mad - just went with it and I absolutely loved the experience. I haven't missed a Sunday since, even though that friend no longer lives in London. I don't go to church to connect with God, I can do that anywhere, but I like going for the life lessons. Many big changes in my life came about because of the lessons I learned while at MCC. I look forward to learning and growing from what Hillsong has to teach me.
On another note, I have been walking to/from work everyday for the last couple of months and am utterly shocked as to how many women freak out when they see me walking towards/behind them. I usually just laugh it off as I am no threat. Being gay there is very little chance I actually want to rape them - I'm more afraid of what they have between their legs as they are of me.
Last night however the situation escalated. I was walking home after watching The Muppets Movie and I was on a semi crowded sidewalk. There were probably 4 people within 40 feet in front of me and who knows how many behind. I was probably prancing about singing ridiculously gay songs when the woman in front of me (about 10 feet away) turned back and literally screamed when she saw me. She tripped over herself and when I extended a hand and asked "are you alright?" she dug into her purse and pulled out mace. I thought to myself "fuck this" and just kept walking.
So I got home and decided to make a change:
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Before/After |
New Year Resolutions
Reviewed by Christópher Abreu Rosario

What the eff is wrong with those ladies!
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