“Time is free, but it's priceless. You can't own it, but you can use it. You can't keep it, but you can spend it. Once you've lost it you can never get it back.”~Harvey MacKayYesterday I received an email from myself...from two years ago. I can remember now, sitting in my tiny dorm room at Canterbury Hall in London, writing the email. I was so afraid then, of life, of love, and of my own stupid mistakes. I can look back now and laugh a little, but also kick myself in the ass a little too. The email is posted below, with a few omissions and edits as some of it is too personal to share with the world. If you're interested in sending yourself a time capsule email, you can do so by visiting www.futureme.org
Tuesday, November 7, 2006
Dear FutureMe,
I hope you are doing well. Right now I am sitting in my dorm room in London. I am currently in the process of writing the script that used to be known as Fordham. I am also thinking of doing a few gay themed shorts.
At the moment I am overcoming my issues with what I have [experienced] in the last few months. Hopefully you will have forgotten about it altogether as it has not made a reappearance.
As for my emotions, I am deeply in love with [Name Omitted] and loose sleep constantly over the fact that he has moved on and is seeing that [other] character. In a few weeks I will be going to St. Louis and will have the chance to see him. I don't know what to do or how I will react but I guess you will know better won't you?
[Omitted Paragraph]
I hope you are living in St. Louis, watching it become a great city. Are you running FilmGate? Is the BlackOneHundreds a go? What movies are you making? Did anything come from [Title Omitted]? I hope so. Are you in debt?
I hope you're not living with mami, that would be way too depressing. Have you found someone to settle down with? You know that right now no one sounds better than [Name Omitted] but considering how he is I don't think that will ever be.
I hope life is coming together. I fear for the future immensely and I hope that you can be reading this right now and laugh at how silly I sound. Take care my future self.
I hope I have learned to love myself.
Reading the letter, I am glad that I am over that phase of my life, but I also realize things about myself that have gotten lost in the transitions....things I wish I still had...
I will send myself another email, this time for 5 years from now. I hope I can answer all my questions positively.
A Message From The Past
Reviewed by Christópher Abreu Rosario

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