Saint Louis: Compton Hill Water Tower

“You can milk a cow the wrong way once and still be a farmer, but vote the wrong way on a water tower and you can be in trouble”
~John Fitzgerald Kennedy

I'm always looking to something to do, something to see, something to explore. I have always felt, and continue to do so, that I never get to know enough about the city I live in. No matter how many years I've been in a city, there is just so much that I haven't gotten a chance to experience. Sometimes it's lack of time, lack of interest, or even lack of support. Lately however I have come to the conclusion that these things may not be here forever or I may not be here much longer and who knows if I will ever have the opportunity to do so ever again?

With that in mind I have been looking for things I can do with friends, or alone, that help me experience something not many people get to experience. In Saint Louis there is tons of free and cheap things to do...TONS (See list on the bottom of this post).

So let me introduce the Saint Louis Compton Hill Water Tower:

I won't bore you with the history of the tower, if you're interested you can google it and find out all the information you're looking for.
The water tower is only open the first Saturday of the month during the Spring and Summer. Unlike other big cities Saint Louis doesn't receive enough annual tourist to justify keeping the water tower open to the public year round or even daily in the summer. Hopefully one day that will change.

I took a long lunch this month and headed to the tower with my good friend Libby. We climbed the 198 stairs and 7 landings to the top and did as any normal tourist would do...we took pictures.

Kinda hazy that day...

Libby and I in front of the tower.

Free/Cheap Places to visit in Saint Louis:
Missouri History Museum (free)
Saint Louis Art Museum (free)
Saint Louis Soldier's Memorial Museum (free)
Saint Louis Zoo (free)
City Museum (Not free but worth every penny)
Free Summer concerts (All over the city)
The Muny Outdoor theater (last rows are free - Summers Only)
Shakespeare in the Park (free, summers)
Soulard Market (Produce Market)
Forest Park (like Central Park but not quite)
Saint Louis Science Center (free, special exhibits require entrance fee)

And the list goes on...if you know any good free/cheap places and/or events in Saint Louis or any city for that matter post them here!

Saint Louis: Compton Hill Water Tower Saint Louis: Compton Hill Water Tower Reviewed by Christópher Abreu Rosario on 23:29 Rating: 5

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