~Russel Baker
Last Saturday night was a night to remember. A night that will cause me anguish and pain, but will also bring me joy and fond memories.
Every July Saint Louis has a month long festival of music and fireworks. The festival (Fair Saint Louis and Live on the Levee) kicks off on the 4th of July and goes on every Friday and Saturday after that until the 1st weekend in August. The list of artists is always pretty impressive and this last weekend was no exception. More information on the festivities can be found here:
Although I have lived in Saint Louis many summers I have only attended the ceremonies three times, the summer of 2003, 2007, and now 2008. The 2003 ceremonies were of course very influential on me since it was my first experience with something of this magnitude but this summer was by far the most emotionally afflicting.
I have left Saint Louis for "greener pastures" twice now. I left at end of Summer 2006 for London and moved back in the summer of 2007. Moved back to New York in the Fall of 2007 and only a few months later moved back to the city I call home in February of 2008. I have been here since (seems like a lifetime but really just a few short months).
So on to the main part of this point. The festivities! The summer concert series started off with Joss Stone, whose music I didn't know but grew to like very quickly. Last Saturday's headliner was OneRepublic, one of my most favorite bands, and their performance was amazing! My good friend was able to score me tickets to the VIP seating area so I was able to sit right in front of the stage and catch all the action up close. The music was great, the weather wasn't too bad (humidity in Saint Louis is unavoidable), and the overall feel and attitude of the crowd was in tune with the music. A great time overall.
At he end of the concert the fireworks started going off. I love how beautiful the city is when it's lit up by the sparks. I have been rather angry with the city lately, the Anheuser-Busch fiasco as well as the AG Edwards merger has led a foul taste in my mouth in addition to the city's failing public transportation system (failing because of government screw ups not because of under use). Let's just say that I fear for the future of this city, this city which has taught me so much, removed me from the ghettos of New York, and provided me a haven from the starvation known as London. I walked to the metro station to take my train home as I the fireworks went off and I looked at all the historic buildings in their nightly lit splendor. I love this city...I always will...
I was offered a job in London and I'm taking it.
(Note: None of the photos in this post are mine and I do not remember where I got them)
The End of an All American Summer
Reviewed by Christópher Abreu Rosario

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