It's finally over! The one giant stress ball is finally gone! So there are still a few errand type things to get done for the festival but the main event was this last weekend. And may I say it was a huge success!
On the first day we had 150 attendees, and that's not counting the filmmakers and VIP guests. On the second day we had 50 and on the third 25. Obviously attendance went down big time but we expected that and scheduled the films accordinly. And the visiting filmmakers (including one from Hong Kong) loved it! They were all shocked to find out that I was younger than them and that this was my first experience running a festival.
Obviously things never go exactly how you wanted it to but I have to say I'm really happy with how things turned out. Nothing went wrong when so much could have, and I guess now I have a few hours to relax before I start packing.
I leave St. Louis this Friday and I need to see so many people before then. I hope I can fit all of it in. Chicago here I come then off to New York. I finally found out that I have a place to live in London so no more worries there! Man everything is moving so fast. I think I'm going to throw up.
1st Annual FimGate International Student Film Festival is OVER!!!!
Reviewed by Christópher Abreu Rosario

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